With all of the extra heat its perfect iced tea weather. There’s a lot of ways to make iced tea, but Angela’s overnight cold brew is a simple and easy way to make a delicious batch of iced tea.
If you’re new to the tea world then you may never heard of or tasted oolong teas. However, they are some of the most delicious teas out there! They range from tasting smoky, sweet, floral to caramel, and so much more! Historically, Oolong teas come from China...
If you went to this year’s Master Gardeners Plant Sale in Eugene, OR you might have noticed Angela’s booth there. You might wonder what a tea compa...
I think there is a lot of hesitation around green tea and how to drink it. I find it to be the most temperamental of all the tea types. In my opinion, it can also be the most rewarding. Read on for 4 simple steps to a better brew.
We are excited to add new specialty teas to our line, and with that, we are providing more education about tea including classes and tastings! Read more here
   In the middle of April I took a trip to the Great Mississippi Tea Farm near Brookhaven, MS. I attended a 3 day meeting and workshop by the US L...