Tea Gardens

Do you have a tea garden? We certainly do. We grow the Camellia Sinensis plant that creates all the different varieties of tea, but the harvesting and processing of the leaves into palatable tea takes a bit more research and time than many want to put into their daily cup of tea. That doesn’t mean however, that you cannot create great teas with far less effort from your garden. There is a plethora of herbs that can easily grow, often perennially in your garden, and the only “processing” required is drying the leaves if you wish to store them. Bundling the plant material and hanging it upside-down in your home for a week or two can easily dry many herbs. Others can be put into a food dehydrator and quickly dried out.
One of the many benefits of growing herbs is that many of them produce beautiful flowers and lush foliage so they can simply be integrated into your gardens to create an intentional and colorful landscape in your yard. Most can also grow easily in pots and sometimes indoors. Depending on your climate and availability of sunlight and space, find herbs that will grow plentifully at your home or office.
Below is a list of some of our favorite tea herbs:
- Bachelor Buttons
- Calendula
- Catnip
- Chamomile
- Clary Sage
- Fennel
- Hibiscus (especially good in warmer climates)
- Hyssop
- Lavender
- Lemon Balm
- Lemon Verbena
- Mint (try out several varieties and see which you like best)
- Pineapple Sage
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Tulsi
*Please note that you must be careful with any herb. It’s important to research what variety and what part of the plant may be edible. Make sure what you are growing is indeed edible before consuming. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.
What a beautiful idea
A lot of these tea herbs are also favored plants for pollinators, a bonus.