Daydreamer's Poached Pears Recipe

Daydreamer's tea, with its rounded tea flavor, aromatic rose, and rich cardamom accents is a natural combination with pears and an excellent base for caramel sauce. This is one of those desserts that can be made with things you may already have in the house (especially if you are a tea fan and already have the Day Dreamers tea!) and can be as homey or as fancy as you like!
1 cup strong Daydreamer's Cardamom tea, strained
2 peeled and sliced pears. Slightly unripe ones work best
1 cup sugar
3/4-1 cup heavy cream
¼ cup chopped pecans (or your favorite nut. Allergic to nuts? Try chopped pepitas)
2 tbsp butter
In a heavy-bottomed pan big enough to hold the pears (an enameled cast iron frying pan is perfect if you have one) add the tea and sugar, and heat to simmering. Add the pears, and poach until tender. Timing will really depend on your pears, so don't walk away from the stove! Usually 8-12 minutes.
Pull pears out with a slotted spoon and continue simmering the tea syrup until it is about as thick as pancake syrup. Pull off the heat and slowly stir in the heavy cream. Set burner to medium and return pan to burner. Stir as it thickens. Remember it will be thicker as it cools, so when it becomes thick enough that it looks like ice cream topping, pull it off the heat!
Toast the nuts in the butter, stirring as they become toasty and crunchy.
Arrange pear slices, drizzle with caramel sauce, sprinkle with nuts. I like a little extra cream with mine, ice cream is also wonderful.
This will make more caramel sauce than you need for the two poached pears. I don't think that's a problem, do you? Nope, didn't think so!